Yesterday some friends of ours brought their six month old and two year old over for a swim in our pool. Being beautiful doesn’t hurt their cause but aside from that, the kids have the personalities to melt your heart as well.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
What does your mama's cooking smell like?
Posted by Pat Hicks at 9:26 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
The 7 Mental Laws of Success and the 7 Keys to Unlocking Them
Everybody likes free. This little book covers some pretty powerful stuff in just a few pages and it is free for providing a name and email address. It also let's you know about the book that goes with it which is full of exercises to actually take some action!
read more | digg story
Posted by Pat Hicks at 6:11 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 13, 2007
Got to, Have to, Need to
For the last several days I have been in what we used to call, a “funk”. Overall, just kind of mad at the world, no energy, quick to blame, focusing on limitations and completely separated from the positive energy of inspiration.
I tried what I thought was “everything” to snap out of it. “What the hell is going on?”, I thought. Then was even more mad that I was not only in this awful place, but that I wasn’t moving past it quickly by using the very techniques I talk about in The Step by Step Action Guide to Unlocking the 7 Laws of Success .
And then I had a very short conversation with my two kids and the reaction to it made me have a realization that instantly changed things for me.
Here in my little world of Dallas, Texas I see a pattern with a lot of people, kids and families that may be different in other cultures, but seems to be pervasive throughout this country.
Have you noticed the frantic and frenetic parents taking their kids from soccer to baseball, from baseball to dance lessons, from dance to volleyball practice, from volleyball to football and from football to…., it just goes on and on?
The question is why are these parents rushing around filling their and their kid’s lives with so much activity, so much structure, so much to do which is contingent on performance. Not only performance which must meet the parents approval but also coaches and instructors? And what is the reaction the kid gets if the kid isn’t worth a damn at any of them? What message is sent either way? If you are good, then you must always be good at something to get positive attention and if you're bad at it, you're just pitiful.
Through no fault of anyone, I have first hand knowledge of the driving forces that cause both male and female to rush about, always in a hurry to perform at a level that earns the approval of…..whoever. Be it teacher, boss, dad or that ultimate judge of human worth in the sky. So, where does that way of thinking come from?
It stems from love withheld to control kids. Rather than unconditional love, parents sometimes seek to control the behaviors they want to extinguish or change, by in effect, threatening to withhold their love, approval and acceptance of the very essence of their kids rather than the behaviors. They are constantly running from the notion that they didn’t measure up, or didn’t measure up in their own minds, to some imaginary, unrealistic expectation in a desperate need for approval and now unknowingly, they are doing the same to and for their kids.
Pretty heavy stuff, I know. But take a look at yourself when you are hearing either directly or indirectly through your motivation for your actions any of the following, “Got to, need to, have to.” And when you do, stop yourself in your tracks because telling yourself or acting as if any of those statements should be your driving force, your motivation to move forward or your source of energy will rob your life of joy, inspiration and purpose as surely as if you laid down in a gutter and quit living at all.
It seems that I was being asked to take the kids for the day while my wife did some volunteer work at their school.
“We will get to spend time with you, daddy?”
Before I could answer as my mind raced at the unfinished business I was thinking of and as my gut reacted to being cut off from my work, I heard in a dejected, resigned voice,
“He’ll probably be on the computer all usual.”
What I became aware of was the panic inside me. You see, I had to get that chapter done before the deadline, I’ve got to get the web site up and I really, really needed to…..
I hung my head. Even though I talk about this very thing in The Step by Step Action Guide to Unlocking the 7 Laws of Success, I was so busy “doing”, I had lost myself. That is why I was angry, lethargic and could find no joy. When our activities are not manifested from inspiration, desire and great purpose but from joylessness which shuts us off from these qualities, we discover tediousness, great effort, fear and anger to be the result.
If you "got to, need to or have to", you are shutting off energy. Positive, life affirming, goal affirming, inspired energy.
To me, that is why I see so many tired, frustrated, stressed out parents taking their kids from one activity to the next, day after day after day. What a way to live.
I turned off my computer and swam, played, watched T.V. and hung out for the entire day with the young gyroscopes of my life, and was thankful and appreciative for hours at a time. I also made sure I let go of any kind of “have to, need to or got to” thinking about anything.
Take some time as soon as possible and look at your purpose in life. “Want to; be excited to and love to” is what it takes to accomplish the actions which translate into your version of “success”. You will then cease to know limitation and will be back to vibrating at the highest level of universal power.
Pat O'Bryan at Your Portable Empire sent out a quote that I love:
Promise Yourself to be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear; and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.
And that is the final word.
Posted by Pat Hicks at 8:32 AM 1 comments
Friday, August 3, 2007
Do you know how long forever is? Are you sure?
My first job out of college was at a state psychiatric hospital. My college sweetheart had just gotten a job there on the Maximum Security Unit, or MSU as it was known and we married. While the marriage was much shorter than my college career, our time there did give me the chance to not only experience first hand the MSU ward, but also to hear stories each night about the patients.
So, it is from a perspective of a comparatively small population pool, i.e., one that has had some first hand experiential exposure to a criminal psychiatric unit that I took interest in the results Dr. Len achieved using Ho’oponopono. The description in Zero Limits by the social worker who worked on the ward could have been duplicated for any facility like it in the United States and any other hospital name could have been inserted with absolutely no differentiation.
Because of my experience, I could not and would not begin to discount the extraordinary results Dr. Len achieved. Trust me; you have to have walked onto a ward like that to really, truly understand what it was like. There was no Dr. Len at our MSU.
This morning I took a walk and repeatedly stated, “I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.” And, like a meditation exercise, the result was that I smiled deeply and felt a peace.
I guess my thoughts on Zero Limits and the message contained in it goes back to the Aboriginals I posted before this one, to the messages of Jesus and to the message even Joe Vitale presented in The Secret.
As is mentioned in Zero Limits, we only take in something like 15 bits of information while there are 15 million coming at us. In other words, we can miss a few things or get it wrong because we don’t get all the information to which we are exposed.
While I have never met Joe and never spoken to him, it is my impression that he was somewhat taken aback by what I interpreted as a widespread misconception about his comments in The Secret. Many heard him say think about what you want using the Law of Attraction, but no one seemed to hear him say, “But take action!”. Even though clearly, he said exactly that. But people heard what they wanted to hear. Their fifteen bits of information they took in missed about 14,999,985.
Books, no libraries of books have been written about how misconstrued and taken out of context are the teachings of Jesus. I am not a theologian so pardon me while I hop over that bottomless pit of debate. But, the point is, people hear what they want to hear and are all operating from their own idiosyncranicities. No matter how pure the message, it can and usually does get obscured as we filter it using our alloted 15 bits of intake through the sieve of whatever connectedness or lack thereof, we possess.
Ah, but how does this relate to the Aboriginals and what is my point? Well, first of all, I wrote The Step by Step Action Guide because I thought I saw people concentrating on attracting without the tools in place to take action. And further, without the tools to take action that was inspired, joyous, healthy and not driven. I thought I saw a need. So, I addressed it because of my own personal experience. Also, I think the Aboriginals get “it” and have gotten “it” longer than eastern, western and mid-eastern cultures have been in existence.
The Aboriginals wake up every morning, face the rising sun and give thanks. They ask, if it is in the highest and best good for all, that plants or animals or both present themselves as nourishment to them. These sources of food present themselves willingly because of their connection to the Divine Oneness, although it is not their reason for being in existence. But, they present themselves to provide for the Aboriginals because all life is connected to the loving Divine Oneness and this connection has them present themselves as sustenance. And, in respect and in appreication the Aboriginals only take and eat what is absolutely needed. They will leave water behind for other animals rather than drink more than what they think is their right to drink.
They laughed at the Missionaries that taught them to pray and give thanks before each meal because they do this all day, every day and on a deeper level! A level that is in connection to the life that acts as the food.
They cannot comprehend the concept of only dreaming at night. They “dream” all day, with their eyes open. Some might call it, “I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.”.
I think I have a tiny bit of understanding of what they meant when they looked deep into the eyes of Marlo Morgan and asked the question, “Do you really understand how long forever is?”. There is so much more to that question than an attempt at linear comprehension of time and space.
If you understand forever, you understand the Divine Oneness. You understand the Divine Oneness is in you because the Divine Oneness is in all things and therefore you are the Divine Oneness. Forever predates, from our understanding, creation and post dates everything else. And to know how long forever is, means you not only understand love, light and enlightenment, you allow yourself and others to know forever by being connected in the way of their choosing using their own free will to their understanding of Divine Oneness.
To me, Ho’oponopono is another way of connectedness to understand how long forever is. It is another form of meditation and it is opening our consciousness to the Divine that dwells within us, but is so often not only out of our awareness, but denied by us all together by our fears.
So, if it is for the highest and best good of all, I ask that the message of Ho’oponopono remain pure. If it is for the highest and best good of all, I ask that if it be misconstrued that it be minimal and that whether it is this way or other ways (because there is no single, one path) that everyone be allowed to “hear” it. And, most importantly that we all allow many paths for everyone within ourselves. To me, that will be the greatest challenge of the message presented in the book. Thank you.
Now, go take inspired, joyous, loving action using The Step by Step Action Guide.
Posted by Pat Hicks at 7:53 AM 0 comments